Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ursies Irresti-BALL 2007

I am so overdue again, when the ball frenzy is over then I start blogging about it. Haha! I think I am like a week late. But heck, what's important is I'm gonna show everyone the nice nice pictures! The girls started preparing at 2pm when the transport provided to fetch us to the ball leaves at 6.30pm. And we are still late for it! Girlssss! Makeup, hair, dress, accessories, shoes. There is just too much work to be done for a simple ball. But well, the goot news is that everyone looks goot on that night! =)
I wore my dearie's dress! But i guess its a tad too small for me! Dearie!!!! You super skinny can? Go eat more! haha!

The location of the ball is at thoroughbread park. Paying 60 bucks for the tickets, I expected the place to be a bigger magnitude but I guess it falls short a little by expectation. Food was alright but the main was beef, and since I don't eat beef, I had to swap for the vegetarian. Transport was provided. And in case you think some fancy carriage is gonna fetch us there, well, you're in for some disappointment!

ITS A BUS THAT SENT US TO THE BALLLLL! The weather was super cold and we were waiting for the bus to come. Haha! But I thought the bus looks quite cool in the night.

Some narcissistic pictures coming up!

Me with all the makeup done. My nails were done by my apprentice Mr Yi! haha! He was so nice to help Sem and me do nail art for the nails lah.

Sem Sem

I helped Sem with her makeup! Was so afraid I will screw it up but it turns out niceee!! =) So glad!

The ball

Eun hae and me. Don't you think she looks really cute?

Me with the balloons!

People on my table. In clockwise direction, Eunhae, Me, Yi, Daryl, Yeam, Wei Min, Jason, Chia Yuen, Jia Yun, Brandy.

Seo yeon, Xiu Qi, Me, Yong Suk, Jia Yun, Chia Yuen.

I helped Xiu Qi with a little of her makeup too!! I think it looks alright too! Yeah!
Cleaveage detected!Look at how plunging Seo Yeon and Yong Suk dress is! Sexy!

Look at how funny the guys are. haha! From left to right: Dean, Leonard, Daryl, Ting Yi, Don, Barney, Chern, Jason, Jared.

Guys with the cigar. L to R: Zhong, Yi, Barney,Don, Yeam, Leonard,Daryl, Chern, Jared, Jason, Grant, Jay shen, Tinyi.

And me with cigar too! haha!

Please pardon my ultra fat legs. Lol!

Xiu Qi, Me and Sem.

I like this picture! I think it looks goot.

Taken by yeam when i was taking picture with yong suk.

And this was the picture I was taking!

Yi and I act like we were supermodels that day lah! haha! Look at how funny the picture is.

Look at our expression please. How classic can that be? And then we tried to be serious. So they took another one for us!

I thought we both look goot! =) I like!

Ada and yi!
I thought both of them look cute! haha!

Jess and me!

She's the organizer for the Ursies Ball. And she's such a sweetie. Plus she is really funny. As this was a professional shot( there was this photographer taking pictures for us) and thus there was a queue for the shots. She just jump into the background and asked the photographer to take the pictures for us. Lol!

The girls again. I love the picture colour! Professional shots does look different.

The guys

L to R: Jay shen, Xiu Qi, Yi, Me, Jared, Jilu.

My pretty Ada. She looks so drunk. Her face is so redddd. Haha!

I like this picture! haha! Everyone looks so cute in their own lil ways! Eunhae looks like a timid lil rabbit and Brandy looks like sailormoon! haha!

I thought that the ball was pretty successful and everyone had a great time. Drinking, dancing, talking, taking pictures.

Although I was dead tired and didn't join the afterparty I still felt happy! Cuz I got tons of nice picturessss! =)

Super excited about going Melbourne again! Shoppingggggg! Fun! Food! Sightseeing! Its gonna be a blast!
Dearie gimme an inkling about what you want for your birthday leh! lol!

So tired just typing this entry. It took me a total of 4 hours. Its 4am in Canberra now and I have a 9am lesson tomorrow. =(
Nitez everyone! Lovessss!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Back as before.

I never knew that maintaining a blog takes so much commitment and effort. Lol! It takes so long for a single picture to load. And not forgetting the time taken to make the pictures look nicer. Although I don't know how to do photo shop (I know, I know. I suck at computers), but the time taken just to adjust the lighting and making a simple collage and contrasting is already soooooo long. Either I am really not gifted in that aspect or I'm pure lazy. So, sorry for the lack of updates! I do have alot of pictures but i kept procrastinating. =( But I'll try I'll really try to blog faithfully as from today onwards.

The 2 weeks back in Singapore was goot! Met up with mitchie and yannie and the rest! Sorry I didn't meet all of you guys.. Especially when I can make it for Bloo's and Gina's birthday celebration! I was sick for one week!! Urgh! Talk about a wasted trip. So effectively I had like a week to meet everyoneeee!! But I'll be back in November for 3 months! And this time round, I'll make sure I meet every single one of my sweetie piesss!

I heart going out with my babes! And OhOh! This was before my haircut and dyeee.

This one is after my haircut! And I dye them too. I was a lil pissed because the hairdresser cut it too short. I wanted to trim off my dead ends and like cut away 1 inch or so, but she happily crop away 3 to 4 inches of my hair. Now I have to grow them back again.

I love my birthday celebration! It was sweet and niceeeeee!! Didn't expect it'll be so mind blowing. And although there were some cock ups but still I'm glad we enjoy ourselves that day! =) Plus I really like my present!

I also had a night safari trip with my parents. =) It was our family dayyyyy!! Although I was really sick that time but still everything was smooth and nice. And I'm sure all of us had a fun fun fun time sitting on the tram and enjoying the breeze at night. I miss my papa and mama and jojo!

Look at how funny my dad looks in one of the pictures.

With my mummy dearest to eat our timsum buffet!

And yep, I am back in Australia. My grades are so shitty last semester so I have to work harddddd!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhh! Muggggggggg!! I miss mugging in central library. Here, I can only mug aloneeee because people like studying in their rooms. But I'll work hard. *Promise*

Me with my xiong xiong! Gift from my RAOK who did the sweetest thing. The bear was placed in the dining room as a surprise.

The creepy yet artistic trees.

Only 3 weeks back, but I miss Singapore food! I want my poifulss! =( I miss everyone back homeee!